Help needed with project proposal template!

I am having trouble figuring out how to submit a project proposal through the project proposal template:

I can’t seem to type into the template that is posted. Would anyone be able to please walk me through this? Thank you!

Hi Jessica,

You will need an OHDSI wiki account and then you can log into the wiki with the login link at the top right of the wiki page. Once you are logged in you can edit wiki pages.

Due to aggressive spammers, OHDSI wiki account self registration is not enabled but you can message me here at @admin with the following info and I can create the OHDSI wiki account for you.

user id - whatever you want it to be
user first and last name
email address - must be a valid email address


Hi Lee,
The students are working with me, so I think I’ll have you set up the wiki account for me, as I don’t think I have one but I do have a forum account.
userid - schillil
Lisa Schilling
Please let me know if you need anything else.

This is an old thread, but Google brought it up for me when searching for “OHDSI project template” so I figured I’d add some updated information to it.

For OHDSI research studies there is now great information found here: