Help needed for new CDM design

We are working on integrating the claims, formulary, non-retail sales, data sources for medical benefit, pharmacy benefit and payer segmentation analytics.
Each data source could have a different granularity which brings in the complexity of calculating the KPIs across these inputs. For example - my analytics may include plan level attributes from PlanTrak data and integrating it with lives (under that plan from formulary data sources (MMIT, Fingertip)) and claims (from claims data sources such as IQVIA FIA, IQVIA LAAD). If anyone has worked on integrating the various data sources, can you help us with designing the tables in CDM and granularity at which tables needs to be structured.

@tushar, welcome to the community! Perhaps when you have a moment you could stop over to this post and tell us more about you. :slight_smile:

We have a lot of experience as a community converting source data to the OMOP Common Data Model. There are more than 152 databases in 18 countries in this model. A view into what people have already converted can be found in the 2019 OHDSI Data Network list.

My team at IQVIA has experience combining linkable data sets into the OMOP Common Data Model.

Help us understand your question a bit more.

Have you already tried mapping your data to the OMOP CDM v5.3.1 or OMOP CDM v6.0? Are there specific mapping problems you are encountering? Can you give some examples?

We don’t design in a silo. Use cases inform everything we do. Let’s unpack this a bit and see what we can do!