Hello from Paolo Eusebi!

Hello everybody,
I’m Paolo Eusebi, biostatistician at Regional Health Authority of Umbria and Neurology Clinic of Perugia University (Italy).
I heard about OHDSI listening a podcast, and I am interested in being involved in future research.
My main research interests are biomarkers discovery, evidence synthesis and use of administrative healthcare database for generating real-world evidence.
Hope OHDSI community will be supportive and friendly, I’ll do my best!


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Best way to get started is to join us on our weekly call (although I think next week isn’t happening due to AMIA):

There is a thread here if you’d like to see other’s introductions:

You probably already found these but here is our main website:

And our GitHub if you want to check out our code:

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Many thanks Erica!

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