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HADES validation

I would like to know where can I access information on the validation of the HADES R packages. I’ve reviewed the Book of OHDSI but couldn’t find this information. Many thanks for your kind help,

For validation, HADES mostly relies on an extensive set of unit tests executed as part of its continuous integration. This assures validity on a continuous basis, at every release. A good reference would be our recent HADES paper.

Additionally, we have performed a large-scale validation experiment using HADES (then called the ‘Methods Library’), which was a single time snapshot. This is described in our HDSR paper.


Dear Martin, I’ve gone through the provided references. The HADES paper includes information on the set of unit tests to ensure reliability. Similarly, the Benchmark paper includes information on empirical calibration and compares performance of different methods on effect estimation.
We would like to have access to the results of validation processes already performed on the OHDSI tools before they went live or that are routinely performed (for example: validation reports; test results, other for each one of the available OHDSI tools (Atlas, Hades, Achilles…), to confirm that, for example, each package included in the HADES library does what it says it does.
Is there any validation report you could share with me? Alternatively, if I could at least get pointed in the right direction that’d be fantastic.
Thanks in advance for your time and dedication!
