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HADES development announcements

DatabaseConnector 6.2.2 has been released. Most important changes are improved overall performance for RedShift specifically, and improved performance for all platforms when downloading dates and datetimes.

ParallelLogger 3.2.0 has been released. The one change is that it should now behave much better inside try...catch blocks.

Ulysses v0.0.1 has been released. This is a new R package aiming to help assist in the development and organization of an OHDSI study. Users can initiate a directory structure for an OHDSI study using the function newOhdsiStudy. The OHDSI study directory can then be injected with necessary documentation such as README and NEWS. Ulysses also introduces templates for vital documentation for an OHDSI study such as a protocol template, a how to run (explains how collaborators should execute the study) and contributor guidelines. For more information on additional functions and demo please visit the package website

SqlRender 1.15.1 has been released. Most important change is a fix for translating Circe cohort expression SQL for DuckDB.

DatabaseConnector 6.2.3 has been released. This fixes the ‘missing origin’ error the previous release introduced for older R versions.

MethodEvaluation 2.3.0 has been released. This new version supports using your own benchmark (set of negative and positive controls).

FeatureExtraction v3.3.0 has been released. This new version supports using cohorts as covariates and adding covariates based on care_site_id. There are also a few bug fixes and updates to Java dependencies.

Capr v2.0.5 has been released. Updates include:

  • change query functions to match known syntax (i.e. drug => drugExposure, condition => conditionOccurrence)
  • require a name for cs()
  • improve documentation (add vignette for query, count and group)

Ulysses v0.0.2 has been released. Updates include:

  • Adding functions to interface with keyring API and check credentials
  • Creation of a KeyringSetup.R file to set up database credentials for a study
  • Creation of R file template for building an email requesting an OHDSI study repo using blastula
  • Template R file for pulling cohort definitions from WebApi
  • Function to init git and publish repo in github under an organization
  • Fix bugs in template files

CohortDiagnostics version 3.2.3 . This is a hotfix to support executing diagnostics in an isolated manner. Previously, not running concept set diagnostics would crash the shiny app as no concept sets would be created.

Please check the release notes for for details of changes.

DataQualityDashboard v2.4.0 has been released. The main change in this release is a set of fixes to the threshold files to correct some erroneous failure thresholds and outdated plausible unit concept ID lists. Big thanks to @Dymshyts for contributing the threshold fixes :heartpulse:

Please see our Changelog for more detail on the changes.


PheValuator 2.2.9 has been released. It allows for using a cohort to specifically designate cases for determining true and false negatives and positives. It also adds functionality for determining raw and corrected incidence proportion and incidence rates. The new version provides the complete set of output csv files for manually reading or for use within shiny.

SqlRender 1.15.2 has been released. This contains a minor bugfix for DuckDB (that was causing DatabaseConnector’s unit tests to fail).

ParallelLogger 3.3.0 has been released. This includes a bugfix necessary to keep ParallelLogger in CRAN, as well as switching the backend for sending e-mails from mailR to sendMailR.

PatientLevelPrediction 6.3.5 has been released. This includes a fix to serialize decision trees in latest scikit-learn (1.3.0) as well as updating how we setup python environments for continuous integration.

PheValuator 2.2.10 has been released. It adds the capability to evaluate visits that occurred only while a subject was a member of the inclusion cohort. The inclusion cohort may be used to designate specific subjects and time periods for the evaluation cohort.

CohortMethod 5.1.0 has been released. This includes some bug fixes, and most importantly now also considers shared covariate balance when unblinding.

DatabaseConnector 6.2.4 has been released. This contains some bugfixes (including one required to stay in CRAN).

Capr v2.0.6 has been released. Updates in this version include:

  • addition of makeCohortSet function to bind multiple Capr cohorts into a tibble to pipe into CohortGenerator
  • addition of dateAdjustment function to incorporate the new circe (as of v1.11.0) attribute to a query
  • bug fixes, improvements to the documentation and preparation for CRAN release

DeepPatientLevelPrediction v2.0.0 has been released. As the version number suggests this is a major release due to a switch of backend from torch in R to pytorch.

  • All models are now pytorch models in python - called through reticulate