HADES development announcements

DataQualityDashboard 2.1.1 has been released. This is the first release of the package which meets all HADES requirements, and hereafter DQD will be a part of HADES.

DataQualityDashboard is an OHDSI mainstay used to evaluate and expose data quality in an OMOP CDM instance. It’s an R package that includes an R shiny application which can be used to visualize and explore the results of its data quality evaluations.

The DQD runs a set of data quality checks against the OMOP CDM (it currently supports CDM versions 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4). These checks are highly configurable; they can be toggled off and on and their failure thresholds can be adjusted according to the user’s needs. The thousands of checks in the DQD are grouped into a smaller set of data quality “check types” which each represent a singular data quality idea. Each check type corresponds to a parameterized SQL query into which OMOP tables, fields, and concepts are substituted to create an individual data quality check.

The threshold files used to configure checks and their failure thresholds can be shared amongst institutions to facilitate consistent use of the DQD for network-level projects. Similarly, the results of a DQD run are portable and can be stored in json, csv, and/or a database table.

For a comprehensive overview of the DataQualityDashboard, please see the package website here. Questions and bug reports can be submitted on our issue tracker here. I’ll be on point as the package maintainer but send most credit to @clairblacketer @Frank and other DQ WG members for building the package and supporting the HADES submission :slight_smile:

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