Guidelines for starting an OHDSI working group - Feedback Wanted!

Hi Everyone,

In addition to the Guideline for starting an OHDSI chapter, we’ve developed some guidelines for forming an OHDSI working group and would love to hear your feedback. Many of you have already been through the process of forming a work group so feedback based on your experiences are highly encouraged.

Definition of an OHDSI working group
An OHDSI working group represents a group of OHDSI collaborators who hold regular meetings with the purpose of developing shared solutions to tackle a common problem or address a knowledge/technology gap.

A group of collaborators aiming to complete a network research study can be considered a study working group and are encouraged to follow these guidelines.

Process of becoming an OHDSI working group

  1. Post a call for collaboration on the OHDSI forums to gauge community interest. The forum post should:
  2. Clearly outline the problem/existing knowledge gap you wish to address
  3. Describe working group aims, objectives and intended deliverables
  4. If sufficient interest exists, select a working group lead who will be responsible for the overall governance and organization of the working group. Leadership of a working group can change at any time, working groups are encouraged to re-assess leadership annually.
  5. Determine a regular meeting schedule (once a week, every other week or monthly)
  6. Create an OHDSI wiki page for your working group. All working group wiki pages must include:
  7. The aims of objectives of the working group
  8. An up-to-date meeting schedule
  9. All information needed to join working group meetings (webex URL, dial-in numbers, etc)
  10. Announce the formation of the working group on an OHDSI call and on forums
  11. Keep Maura updated on the working group meeting schedule so she can post meeting announcements in the weekly OHDSI digest

All OHDSI working groups must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. The aims and objectives of the working group must align with OHDSI’s mission, vision and values
  • If the working group ceases to have regular meetings they must notify the coordinating center and retire their wiki page
  1. All working groups must meet regularly to discuss making progress towards their intended goals
  2. All working groups materials and documents must be openly accessible on the OHDSI wiki
  3. All information about work group meetings must be kept up-to-date on the OHDSI wiki, this includes meeting times and URLs to join meetings
  4. All working group activities must be inclusive and open to all who wish to participate
  5. All working groups are responsible for their own governance and organization
  6. All working groups are responsible for keeping the OHDSI community updated on their progress via the OHDSI forums and OHDSI community meetings
  7. If a working group completes its aims, they must notify the coordinating center
  8. The OHDSI coordinating center reserves the right to disband the workgroup if their activities do not align with OHDSI’s mission
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@MauraBeaton , I appreciate your effort for keeping this community active and vigorous.

As you suggested, PGHD WG set regular meeting schedule and created an OHDSI wiki page. We’ll add the meeting records and slides, soon.
I should’ve let you know the upcoming PGHD WG meeting, sorry. I’ll tell you next time.

And we plan to re-start genomic WG with regular meeting schedule, too.

Hi @MauraBeaton,

These guidelines look good to me! I too will keep the schedule updated on the Wiki, but is there a more central location you’d like WG administrators to keep you informed of upcoming meetings?


Thanks @SCYou for the update!

@Ajit_Londhe since WG leads have the rights to update the wiki, WG wiki pages are the best place to post WG information and meeting details. Just shoot me an email when meeting information changes so I can post the correct details on the weekly OHDSI digest.

Hi, we’d like to setup a geographically oriented chapter…in the Philippines…

Over here, we might limit our case to the health insurance subset…