GROUCH Source Code


I am currently trying to implement custom Concept IDs and custom Drugs.
The old OMOP homepage shows a page about OSCAR & GROUCH, which may be useful for my future work.
Unfortunately OSCAR is only available for CDM v4 and the link to the GROUCH Source Code is not working. ( )
Are these tools still available ?

Thanks for any help.

Best Regards, Deniz


Looks like nobody picked up your question.

Grouch is a tool that was used in during the old OMOP project, which ended in 2013. Nobody is actively supporting those artefacts, with the exception of the OMOP CDM and Vocabularies. Also, they were built for an now obsolete version of the CDM. However, here is a copy of the code and the specs if you want to take a look:

We now have all our technology stack available in Github for free. If you want to do data characterization, use Achilles. In it, you have Achilles Heel - a mechanism to detect errors and suspicious behavior in the data, which is what Grouch was designed for.

Hope that helps. And please catch up with the community. :smile: