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Global Medical Device Nomenclature presentation on June 27, 2024 9AM EDT

Dear community,

The Medical Device Working group’s nex call on June 27 2024 will have a GMDN focused presentation and discussion.

Barry Daniels from the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) will present us on basics about GMDN and recent interactions with FDA and SNOMEDCT. Agenda:


  1. A short introduction for new users, including: Data structure & Availability
  2. An update on current use-cases, including:
  • FDA GUDID – categorisation of choice, downloads,/APIs data items, data quality initiatives
  • WHO – inclusion in Medevis/EDL/ICD-11
  • SNOMED inclusion/mapping
  1. Time for discussion about above topics and others

Please join us via this meeting link

Medical Device Working Group
