Getting error while running OHDSI on my local

I’m currently trying to setup the OGDSI on my local system and using the steps mentioned in the link. But when I use

psql omop --user user -f ohdsi.sql

I am getting the database error

ERROR:  relation "results.achilles_analysis" does not exist at character 95
2022-01-18 21:15:11.524 IST [87] STATEMENT:  (SELECT
	   aa1.analysis_name AS attribute_name,
	   ar1.stratum_1     AS attribute_value
	 FROM results.ACHILLES_analysis aa1
	results.achilles_results ar1
	ON aa1.analysis_id = ar1.analysis_id
	                   WHERE aa1.analysis_id = 0
	  aa1.analysis_name                AS attribute_name,
	  cast(ar1.count_value AS VARCHAR) AS attribute_value
	FROM results.ACHILLES_analysis aa1
	results.achilles_results ar1
	ON aa1.analysis_id = ar1.analysis_id
	WHERE aa1.analysis_id = 1
	ORDER BY attribute_name DESC

Can anyone tell me where I’m doing this wrong ?

Hi @ayazwani ,
Ask @Mirko or @jposada .
They can help you.

Hi @ayazwani ,

Which software components are you trying to test?

There are some most recent docker images. Here is one. But that is focused on HADES packages only, not ATLAS. If you are trying to set up ATLAS maybe @lee_evans can help with the Github Repo you are mentioning.

Hi there,
this shouldn’t be a show stopper. This table only gets created, when Achilles is executed on your cdm. Achilles creates all the nice diagrams which you can find as reports under the topic data sources.

Thanks all , Got that thing fixed.