Gaining commit access on GitHub

What is the process for gaining commit access (and other access levels) to an official OHDSI GitHub repository? I’d love to try to reach that status on some projects. :smile:

Let me know what projects you would be interest in having commit level access to and I can see about granting permissions. I will also want to briefly review some of the documentation @anthonysena has put together with you on our general development lifecycle.

After you get your access, I’d highly recommend working off git branches (from the main OHDSI repo) and using the pull request when you want to get the enhancement merged into master. This way we can have a bit tighter control about what gets into master for a given release. Of course you can always merge your own commits into master if the PR seems to be hanging out there with no responses, but at least with a PR off of a branch we all get an opportunity to check it out and give a thumbs up.


@Frank I would like commit access to Achilles, WebAPI and Atlas. Thanks @Chris_Knoll, I will make sure never to push to master on an OHDSI repo without doing a pull request and probably discussing it with others first. I understand the need for principled access and want to do things the right way (after all, during the first OHDSI meetings we did study Producing Open Source Software thanks to @jon_duke).

Since Columbia is the coordinating center and some of our work entails contributing to OHDSI, should @t_abdul_basser and @Jungmi also be granted commit access? Columbia also has a GitHub group, if that helps. We’re happy to experiment on access control ideas and know it may be challenging to get things just right.

I would also add to convention to make a clear list of who is the one person of contact as the Pull Request “approver”.

If a PR is stuck for a while, it is good to know whom to send a nudge email.

It may not be the original tool creator but some later “code manager”.

With Achilles - it is difficult to know who gives final nod to new suggestions/additions. (e.g., tie breaker)
What to do in disagreement situations… (for example issues with no replies in Github issue tracker)

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