Fuzzy vocabulary search

In the past, I used the simple, yet powerful and fast, http://grdr.io/ to browse the vocabulary. However, this browser does not work anymore.

Luckily, the new Athena has a great search function and is in many ways better. It only misses one feature compared to the GRDR browser, namely fuzzy string searching. The GRDR browser both showed the best matching concept on top and allowed for spelling mistakes and different word order in the search terms.

Does anyone know if the GRDR browser is still functioning elsewhere? Or are there plans to incorporate fuzzy search in Athena?


Hi Maxium.

Since behind the scene ATHENA uses SOLR, it should not be very difficult to extend it to add fuzzy search. We will add it to our backlog - good idea


We have used elastic search (similar to Solr), in our evidence platform
where we are using the fuzzy search to search the vocabularies. Let me know
if there is any additional information needed… happy to help