
Watching AMIA recorded talks shows AMIA appreciations of i2b2 “movement”. Collen award to Dr. Kohane. i2b2 chose to start a foundation to support i2b2. Here

In now features CDM for i2b2 and TRANSMART.

I am sure it has been discussed before but is there a way to have sponsorship for OMOP model and OMOP software tools? An OMOP foundation? Well, we were once under

Hi @Vojtech_Huser! Have you seen @David_Madigan and team’s Proposed OHDSI Center at Northeastern University - comment period white paper about the OHDSI Center at The Roux Institute at Northeastern University?

Between this and @Rijnbeek’s work with EHDEN to sponsor HADES and other OHDSI community resources, there’s a lot of great momentum in this area!

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