Forming external controls for comparative effectiveness estimation

Hi All,

An important potential use of observational data in oncology for both regulatory and HTA decision making is in forming external control groups. With IPD from a trial (usually single arm) and external controls matching methods can be used to estimate comparative effectiveness.

In many ways, the OHDSI/EHDEN data networks offer a great opportunity to support this by helping with data identification and access.

However, a federated data network also acts against this because data sets (trial and observational) cannot be combined (unless both are in possession of those undertaking analysis).

I would be interested in hearing people’s perspective on the value of the OHDSI/EHDEN networks for estimating comparative effectiveness using external controls. Is this something anyone has given any thought to?



This keeps popping up all the time. And the OHDSI approach can make it easy to define the comparator arm in a systematic way, so it can be executed at different sites.

But the underlying issues remains: Can you really match patients:

  • Defined using inclusion criteria in different settings (clinical trial criteria vs criteria in observational data)
  • With missing information
  • Across different sites
  • Without randomization

The answer probably is: In cancer the effect sizes are so big (particularly for toxicity) that you may not care. But subtle relative risks you almost certainly would not be able to tease out.

Thanks for the response @Christian_Reich!