First time working with OMOP

After downloading the data, the data comes in one column on the Excel document. For only reading the codes, what is the next step?

Thank you


You probably need to give us a little more information. What data? What column? What codes? Do you have data in OMOP CDM, or are you trying to create a instance in OMOP CDM?

I am trying to read the codes that I downloaded from the ATHENA website. Now when I open the excel file, everything is in one column. I would like to be able to extract the codes given in the excel file,for example, i would like to get the codes for Race, diagnosis code, etc.

I am totally new to OMOP, this might be a simple question, sorry.

Have you attempted to load the file as a tab delimited as opposed to a comma delimited. The extension is csv but it is actually a tab delimited file. That may be why you are seeing a single column.