The first step will be to define the broad research approach. This should help us identify which papers will be written and possibly might help folks in getting grants.
We’ll need to answer three major questions:
- Which methods will we evaluate?
- What gold standard will we use?
- What databases will we run the experiment on?
My two cents:
Even though we might later want to evaluate other, new methods, I would propose we start with the OHDSI Methods Library.
For gold standard I would propose we use negative controls and synthetic positive controls derived from negative controls as shown in my presentation at the last OHDSI Symposium. We would need to decide on the exposures for which we will then pick the negative controls, and I know different people have different ideas about how to synthesize positive controls.
I would at least run the experiment on the internal JnJ databases. These would include several large US insurance claims databases and CPRD.
But this is just a straw man. Let me know your thoughts on choices for methods, gold standards, and databases! (@nigam, I think I remember you had different ideas?).
(Including everyone so they’ll be notified even when not Watching: @aschuler, @brian_s, @David_Madigan, @hripcsa, @jweave17, @nicolepratt, @nigam, @TengLiaw, @Vojtech_Huser, @yuxitian )