Example to illustrate OMOP CDM vocab standardization

Hello folks,

I am trying to showcase the use of OMOP CDM with some simple examples.

However, am looking for an example which can help me explain the concept vocab standardization (local terms to CDM standard terms). I am just a computer guy but trying to explain how this works to healthcare people. So, can I seek your inputs here?

Am not sure whether the below example is right. But am looking for something like below. Meaning the same term (Disease or Lab or Drug) represented in different ways in two different sites/countries but when they are mapped to OMOP CDM vocabulary, they take the same concept_id.

Something like below. Can you give me an actual example which I can refer instead of the dummy example that I have shown (disease A)

You can find your own examples with something like the following query.

SELECT source.vocabulary_id, source.concept_code, source.concept_name, target.vocabulary_id, target.concept_id, target.concept_name
FROM concept source
JOIN concept_relationship ON concept_id_1 = source.concept_id
JOIN concept target on target.concept_id = concept_id_2
WHERE source.domain_id = ‘Condition’
_ AND relationship_id = ‘Maps to’_
_ AND target.concept_id = 201820_
_ AND source.vocabulary_id IN( ‘ICD10CM’, ‘ICD9CM’)_

Start with a target concept id such as 201820 (Diabetes mellitus). Then look for disease codes that map to the target. The WHERE clause source.vocabulary_id IN( ‘ICD10CM’, ‘ICD9CM’) is to limit the results to source codes people are likely to be familiar with.

Here’s a graphic I’ve used. Does that help?

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@roger.carlson Yes, I was looking for something like this. It helps