European Union support for SNOMED CT Licensing Costs


Just mentioned at the eHealth 5th Stakeholders meeting, a central EU fund will be provided for the next 7 years to support interoperability and standards costs, including licensing costs for e.g., SNOMED CT, for EU Member States.

No other details as yet, but this could be very helpful going ahead in Europe in addressing this persistent issue.

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HI Nigel,

Thanks for letting us know. Did they - in the meantime - drop already some more details about this central EU fund you are referring to?


Hi @MathiasSyx

Not as far as I am aware, but I will investigate further with some sources and will post anything I find here.



Nige et al.:

For OHDSI research, this already is no longer a problem: OMOP licensing information? - #8 by hamblingreg52 (press release to follow). Essentially, we are covered using SNOMED for creating an OMOP CDM and applying OHDSI tools and methods.

Still good news for non-OHDSI use cases.

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