As I mentioned in the introduction in another thread, I am interested in putting together the OHDSI software on my computer on my own, without the use of docker or AWS images.
I am reading this in the repo.
# We are loading into a local PostgreSQL database called "synthea10".
# The schema to load the Synthea tables is "native".
# The schema to load the Vocabulary and CDM tables is "cdm_synthea10".
# The username and pw are "postgres" and "lollipop".
# The Synthea and Vocabulary CSV files are located in /tmp/synthea/output/csv and /tmp/Vocabulary_20181119, respectively.
But I don’t see any instructions on creating the CDM database on postgres, or whether it is even necessary. I hope somebody can enlighten me.
I also read the first few chapters of the OHDSI book, and I couldn’t find any links to instructions on setting up an empty CDM database.