As I mentioned in the introduction in another thread, I am interested in putting together the OHDSI software on my computer on my own, without the use of docker or AWS images.
# We are loading into a local PostgreSQL database called "synthea10".
# The schema to load the Synthea tables is "native".
# The schema to load the Vocabulary and CDM tables is "cdm_synthea10".
# The username and pw are "postgres" and "lollipop".
# The Synthea and Vocabulary CSV files are located in /tmp/synthea/output/csv and /tmp/Vocabulary_20181119, respectively.
But I don’t see any instructions on creating the CDM database on postgres, or whether it is even necessary. I hope somebody can enlighten me.
I also read the first few chapters of the OHDSI book, and I couldn’t find any links to instructions on setting up an empty CDM database.
Step 3 in the README includes loading the vocabulary as well as your data. You can choose and download the vocabulary from You would need a UMLS account to put the CPT4 codes together before importing (instructions included in download.)
There are multiple issues right now, but these are for another thread.
Short answer is that the CDM database gets populated using scripts in this repository; however, you need to create the original database and the two required schemas in Postgres before you start.