ETL code for converting Korean National Sample cohort database into OMOP CDM v.5.0.1

Hi all,
Our team of Ajou university recently has developed ETL code for converting Korean National Sample Cohort (NSC) derived from national insurance health service into OMOP-CDM v5.0.1.
We will release this ETL code and documents to help others in Korea to easily understand the structure of the data and to easily convert their data into OMOP CDM.

It would be great if we can upload our code and documents to OHDSI github.
@Christian_Reich, Could you make a repository for this job?



You got it: But I need to add a team. Is any of you already listed in one of the OHDSI teams? Please give me the Github identities.

We have three persons in the list: rwpark99, jungsungjae, chandryou

Thank you so much for making a repository for us.
I sent you our Github identities through e-mail. Thanks again!