After getting everything almost setup to finally run the ETL-CDMBuilder, I have hit a brick wall with the Builder connection string. The config file says it is something along the lines “Data Source=”, but there is no trace in any of the available documentation of what to put here. Since it is for the builder operations database, my suspicion is that the connection string should look the same as for the vocab, source, and destination connection strings. Anyways, here is my config file and the screen the executable file gets stuck:
Unfortunately the ETL-CDMBuilder was not initially developed with the thought of it being shareable code outside of JNJ thus the lack of documentation and lack of open-source aspects to it. We started sharing our code at the request of other organizations in the hopes it is informative and we do try to make it more portable to other organizations, however we realize that it isn’t easy to stand up in other environments.
Thanks for the response. I have scoured all those documentation documents
and I am now trying to trace around the source code for better
understanding. The Builder connection string is a bit different than the
Source, Destination and Vocabulary as it takes a similar string but without
the Driver= param. I am writing up my own documentation of the process so I
will be sure to share it in the forum once I am able to successfully
complete the process.
Source, Destination and Vocabulary are ODBC connection strings and looks like:
Driver={SQL Server};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
and for Builder connection string was used .NET Framework Data Provider, so connection strings will be like following:
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Hello @Juan_Banda,
I was wondering if you be kind enough to share some of the documentation you were working on setting up CDMI Builder. I am currently struggling with installation process myself and I am not even sure the provided library ran successfully.