Environmental variables

Hi All, some of us are assessing the feasibility of adding environmental factors into OHDSI studies. If you have/know of a database that has either has environmental variables in it, or is/can be linked to environmental databases, please get in touch! :slight_smile:


Tagging @Andrew and @ robert.miller@maine.edu to draw attention of the GIS WG in particular. :slight_smile:

Hello @Sara_Khalid1,

My academic medical center, Mount Sinai Health System here in New York City, is participating in the NIH’s HHEAR research program.

As part of that program, the participating HHEAR sites are developing an “ontology” of environmental exposures and other risk factors for disease. Some information is available on HADatAC’s website: HHEAR Ontology

I know this is U.S.-centric, being funded by our National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.