Hello Everyone. We have multiple surveys we will be mapping into OMOP, and hope to use the method documented in the v6.0 spec - create an entry in the Survey table, and map question and answer pairs into individual observations in the Observation table. The 6.0 spec specifies updates needed to the Observation table in order to link Q&A pairs back to a particular survey - however the published DDL in GitHub is missing these. There seems to be a disconnect.
For example, the 6.0 spec says to add to the Observation table
Perhaps @clairblacketer can provide us with the definitive answer, but it was my understanding that the following are the two columns you’re looking for:
In other words, obs_event_field_concept_id points to an OMOP CDM metadata record that specifies which column is referenced in your observation_event_id column.
Thanks Tim. I’m a bit confused. According to the published spec
observation.domain =‘Survey’ (identifies this observation as part of a survey)
observation.domain_occurrence_id=survey_conduct.survey_conduct_id (the key that links this observation to a particular instance of a completed survey)
The question text itself maps to the observation_concept_id
The response text itself maps to the observation_value_as_concept_id