Thanks for this Adam, and good to see you posting to the forums again! I was looking into a best practice we might follow locally for this a few weeks ago. I came across a great blog post covering the topic from lots of angles and now I can’t find it. I didn’t see the RStudio links you ref here, though. I’ll look into those. The blog did suggest that environmental vars weren’t a great solution because they’d be exposed in logs unless scoped to prevent that. The author was favoring an approach referencing files in inst. But I can’t remember the details. This secret R package also looks interesting. Here is the reference manual. It uses public key cryptography.
In any event, I think it’s a very useful to try to build consensus around a best practice for this.
In Python I’ve been using the keyring library, which is cross platform and interfaces with numerous key management systems and it’s proven very easy to use.
I agree we should propose best practices for this. I’ve always used R environmental variables, like for example here:
connectionDetails <- createConnectionDetails(dbms = "sql server",
server = Sys.getenv("RDS_SERVER"),
user = Sys.getenv("RDS_USER"),
password = Sys.getenv("RDS_PW"))
I would think the server and user name are also things you wouldn’t want exposed. Using environmental variables like this does have some downsides, like the credentials being stored in a plain-text file on your computer, so I’ll definitely take a look at the keyring package.
We could also modify DatabaseConnector::connect to accept data source names (DSN). If a string is passed in to connect as the first argument then it would be assumed to be a DSN.
Then connecting with integrated security using a DSN would look like con <- DatabaseConnector::connect("myDSN")
making it more like the DBI::dbConnect interface. Just curious, why does OHDSI it’s own package for connecting to databases instead of using DBI?
when R code is executed in ARACHNE, we currently require reading connection variables that are set in the ARACHNE Data Node (stored encrypted) where data source is configured