I thought this might be an interesting DREAM challenge to look at, therefore, sharing.
Challenge qustion: Of patients who have at least one hospital visit, can we predict who will pass away within 6 months of their last visit?
Challenge Data: Yes, the data is in OMOP
The University of Washington is hosting a curated dataset from their Electronic Health Record (EHR) enterprise data warehouse for this challenge. The data collected spans 10 years from 2009 to 2019, with the last death record in the available repository being recorded in February 2019. The data represents 1.3 million patients who have at least one visit occurrence in their medical record. 22 million visits are spread across these patients and include 33 million procedures, 5 million drug exposure records, 48 million condition records, 10 million observations, and 221 million measurements. The data has been converted to the OMOP.
Link to the DREAM challenge:
- Rohit Vashisht