Hi - Here is an example. I would create a new vocabulary where vocabulary.vocabulary_id = “PH100C” to represent the Philips ECG program version C. One of the concept defined would be for “Electrical Alternans” so the concept entry would look like:
concept_id = 1234567890
vocabulary_id = “PH100C”
concept_name = “Isoelectric delta in lead V5”
concept_code = “V5 ISO DELTA”
measurement.measurement_concept_id = 1234567890
measurement_source_value = “PageWriter TC70: SN 11223344”
I probably would not enter anything in measurement_source_concept_id as the measurement_source_value would have the information for me to trace back to the electrocardiograph that produced the measurement.
You can use the episodes for hypotension/tachycardia/etc - my first inclination is that mapping such statements to OMOP would end up in the Condition table. Unless I know when the tachycardiac started and ended - I would not have enough information to register an episode. If it is at minimum registered in Condition_Occurrence - you can at least search on it and see within which visits (thus time) it was observed.
All my ECG statements are mapped to the Condition_Occurrence table.