Early Stage Researchers Monthly Meeting #1 Agenda

This week, there will be two meetings for the Early-Stage Researchers Working group: one on Monday May 10 at 1pm UK time (8 am EST, 2pm CET) and one on Wednesday May 12 at 4pm GMT +9 (KST) time.

Here is the agenda:

  1. Introductions
  2. Overview of the working group objectives/mission
  3. Current research that members are engaged in
  4. Idea sharing
  5. Potential research presenters for next/future monthly meetings
  6. Closing Questions

Please fill out the following form to be added to the group: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=lAAPoyCRq0q6TOVQkCOy1ZyG6Ud_r2tKuS0HcGnqiQZUOVJFUzBFWE1aSVlLN0ozR01MUVQ4T0RGNyQlQCN0PWcu