Drug Route of Administration


My name is Jihoon Yoon, please call me Ji, and I’m one of the members in charge of working on mapping our vocabulary.

I’m in charge of drug vocabulary and also been tasked to map drug route of administration.

There are three categories for us (Oral, Injection, and External [i.e. patches, shampoo, and etc]) and the category branches out to be more specific types. At first I thought the best idea is to map these terms through Route domain from SNOMED Vocabulary, but I’m seeing that injection and external is not in that domain.

Am I mapping on the wrong Domain? Should I be mapping them in Drug domain?

Hi @jyoon,

To make a drug mapping is a hard work, so prepare yourself to a lot of questions like this:)

According to your question:
The standard Drug concepts belong to RxNorm and RxNorm Extension vocabularies,
and they have Attribute called “Dose Form” (the Route is not a property of drug itself as for example Injectable Solution can be used subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscular, etc. so the same drug may have different Routes).

Here is the list of Dose Forms you’re able to map:

Actually, we build an algorithm that allows you to map the drugs and if needed add new drugs to the OMOP vocabulary if the Drug Market you’re investigating has drugs not included in the OMOP vocabulary

Feel free to ask any questions regarding this approach


Hi @Dymshyts,

Thank you so much for your reply, I’m sorry it took so long to write back to you. Thank you for the lists and I would love to see the algorithm if possible. As you may have realized, many of the OMOP vocabulary does not include a lot of foreign brand medication or mixed drugs. I will let you know when I hit another block or questions that I will have in the future.


You’re welcome!

US drugs are represented in RxNorm

We added several national drug databases to RxNorm Extension:

Which country originates your dataset from?

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My dataset mostly originates from US or EU drugs, but other drugs with the same ingredients also comes from Korean drugs, which makes it a little harder to map the drugs based on brand


For the European and American drugs talk to @aostropolets and @Dymshyts. For the Korean drugs, @rwpark and his team are doing great job in Korean vocabulary mapping together with Anna and Dima. Most of Korean vocabulary are already mapped. Probably the easiest to contact Rae and get the detail.



Thank you very much! I will take your advice and contact them for more information. Is it also possible to have our dataset shown in this site http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=resources:2017_data_network?

Our details are as followed:
Database name : Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH)
Data type : EHR
Country : South Korea
Number of patients : 1,613,727
Data holders : Seoul National University Hospital
CDM version and status(in progress or complete) : CDMv5 (complete)
Contact names and emails : Kwangsoo Kim, kksoo716@gmail.com; Jihoon Yoon, jihoon.yoon1115@gmail.com

Thank you and we look forward to working with everyone and contribute as much as we can.

Jihoon Yoon

@jyoon: All done.

Hi,could you tell me whether the China has been added drug databases to RxNorm Extension.?

Not yet. Yours can be the first :slight_smile: