I don’t know if it would be helpful to you but the drugs@fda database has been useful for me for something somewhat similar. You can download the whole databases here:
About the DB here: https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm135821.htm
What I did in the past is grep the active ingredient column of the Products table and the join that with some information in the RegActionDate file. The R code looks like what I pasted below but you could probably easily load the data tables in a way that you could join from concept table’s concept_name field the Products table activeingredient field (or whatever it is currently labeled). I imagine that you could get more sophisticated but the ingredient names should be pretty standard between RxNorm and drugs@fda. If you find that allot fall out, you might try to use the UNII data file (available from https://www.fda.gov/forindustry/datastandards/substanceregistrationsystem-uniqueingredientidentifierunii/) to see if I could grep out a better mapping. Or, bring up the RxNorm DB an play around with other ways to crosswalk to drugs@FDA.
hope it helps,
# Determine the approval dates for all drugs in a list
all_prods <- read.csv("Product.txt",header=TRUE, sep=",")
prods <- all_prods[ all_prods$ProductMktStatus == 1,]
appdocs <- read.csv("AppDoc.txt",header=TRUE, sep=",")
reg_acts <- read.csv("RegActionDate.txt",header=TRUE, sep=",")
## active ingredients from search of antidepressants in Micromedex,
## Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics, MeSH, and DrugBank (see research notes for
## November and December 2010)
act_ingrds <- c("METHYLPHENIDATE")
## a search ran to estimate the distribution of market release dates
## for currently marketed drugs
con <- file("product-approval-dates.txt", "w")
for (elt in act_ingrds){
writeLines("", con)
writeLines("############################################################", con)
writeLines(paste("ACTIVE INGREDIENT:", elt), con)
writeLines("", con)
mtchs <- grep(elt, prods$activeingred, fixed=TRUE)
if (length(mtchs) == 0){
writeLines(paste("No match found for ", elt), con)
writeLines("", con)
for (pd in mtchs){
writeLines(paste("\tApplNo", prods[pd,]$ApplNo), con)
writeLines(paste("\tProduct name:", prods[pd,]$drugname), con)
writeLines(paste("\tProduct form:", prods[pd,]$Form), con)
writeLines(paste("\tProduct dose:", prods[pd,]$Dosage), con)
approval_date <- subset(reg_acts, ApplNo == prods[pd,]$ApplNo & DocType == "N", select = ActionDate)$ActionDate
writeLines(paste("\tProduct approval date: ", approval_date), con)
## ## code to analyze product release dates and determine their distribution
## datesIn <- read.delim("reduced-product-approval-dates-Aug2010.txt", header=FALSE, sep="\n")
## dates <- as.integer(datesIn[[1]])
## summary(dates)
## # Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## # 1911 1992 2002 1998 2007 2010
## jpeg("histogram-of-product-release-dates.jpg")
## hist(dates, xlab="Year", ylab="No. products", main="Histogram of approval dates for currently-marketed drug products")
## dev.off()