Hi, while running DQD checks, a few errors surged to which I cannot find an explanation:
- “The number and percent of records with a NULL value in the CARE_SITE_ID”: if this is not a required field and since the source data does not state a primary care facility for each patient or doctor, this should be NULL.
- “The number and percent of records with a NULL value in the VISIT_DETAIL_ID”: a concept_id as such, if populated with 0 will prompt a database error since no row in the corresponding table (visit_occurrence) has a concept_id of 0. Therefore, this should be populated with NULL when there is no visit_detail.
- “The number and percent of persons in the CDM that do not have at least one record in the OBSERVATION table (Threshold=0%)”: why is the threshold 0 in this situation, since, according to the documentation, observation table “captures clinical facts about a Person obtained in the context of examination, questioning or a procedure. Any data that cannot be represented by any other domains, such as social and lifestyle facts, medical history, family history, etc. are recorded here.” Since plenty of the source data corresponds to measurements and procedures, not observations, it is natural that some patients don’t have observations.
Similar thing happens for PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE. Not all patients will have a procedure so why is the threshold 0%?
Have any of you run into this type of questions?