Download url

Dear all,

I’m trying to download table concept_ancestor and relationship. Could anyone kindly provide a URL download link? I’m really new to CDM. Sorry if the question is too naive.


CDM tables sql files:

Actual vocabulary contents:

Thank you very much Juan. Can I also ask if table “concept_relationship”, “ancestor” can be NULL? that is, when I create OMOP tables from my original sources, can I leave these two tables as blank because I didn’t see myself using them. (I’m doing ETL)

In theory they could, if the ETL was done already, and you are not doing
any queries to the vocabulary. In practice, this is not recomended as
ATLAS, ACHILLES and even some network studies might be using them to expand
concept sets. I know for a fact that APHRODITE for example uses these

Thank you so much Juan. Very appreciate your help! Have a nice day!


Oh no!!! The CDM requires the harmonization of the coding schemes. E.g., you cannot put ICD-10-CM into the condition_concept_id, because it is not a standard concept. So, you’d end up with a database wihthout any data. None of the current queries or studies would run.

Let us know if you need help.

Hi Christian, thank you for your response. Are you suggesting I have to have ‘relationshp’ , ‘concept_ancester’, concept_synonum table? I cannot leave them as NULL?

As a minimum you need concept, concept_relationship and concept_ancestor. You can skip relationship, vocabulary, domain and concept_class, but they are tiny!! Plus you have all the loading scripts online.

Thanks Chris. Cause I was trying to conform to CDM 4.0 so I used source_to_concept to map source values to concept_id. You are saying for CDM5.0, source_to_concept is deprecated and we need to use concept, concept_relationship and concept_ancestor to map things. Is my understanding correct? Thanks again for your time. I’m probably taking too much of it. sorry.


V4??? In which century are you living? :slight_smile: :smile:

If you are starting an ETL job now, I strongly suggest to do V5. The support for V4 in the tool base is waning rapidly. We will probably soon start phasing it out officially.