My, oh my! 2022 went by in the blink of an eye. Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 2 from 11:00AM-12:00PM ET will be our final installment of the year of the 2022 CBER BEST Seminar Series supported by the OHDSI Community!
Join Dr. Timothy Lash (Emory University) & Dr. Lindsay Collin (University of Utah) as they discuss Bayesian adaptive validation design and extensions to vaccine surveillance.
Anyone can register and join for free.
We hope to see you there!
Abstract: An internal validation substudy compares an imperfect measurement of a variable with a gold standard measurement in a subset of the study population. Existing guidance on optimal sampling for validation substudies has assumed complete enrollment and follow-up for the entire cohort, followed by collection of validation data for a sample of fixed size from the complete population. The adaptive validation approach provides a framework to monitor validation data as they accrue until predefined stopping criteria for the goals of validation are met. The method provides an approach to effective and efficient estimation of classification parameters as validation data accrue, sometimes synchronously with enrollment and primary data collection for the entire cohort. The adaptive validation design has great potential for studies of vaccine or drug safety that use real world data to ascertain adverse events, sometimes recorded with error in these data.