Does ATLAS run on Netezza?

Has anyone successfully used ATLAS with a Netezza data warehouse appliance?

@Gowtham_Rao were you able to run ATLAS on Netezza? If you needed to make code changes to get it to work were they incorporated back into the ATLAS/WebAPI GitHub master branches?

Yes. It does run. Needed modifications to sqlrender and few others. They are in process of getting incorporated.

@Gowtham_Rao thanks for the quick response. That’s great news!

Do you have an estimate on when the Netezza code changes will be available in a GitHub branch? I’d be happy to help out with some of the testing to get it merged.

That’s great! We hope it should be done soon. I think the unresolved issue is if netezza sql extension pack should be used or not for translations (impact on performance)
Places to start maybe testing would be awesome!

hey @lee_evans.

We are working with Gowtam on that one, going through testing and deployment soon. As Gowtham said, we will need to figure the Netezza SQL extension pack if performance can be improved. I will keep you posted - it would be wonderful to be able to test in multiple environments.

Sounds good, thanks @gregk