Disease disease association

Hello, OHDSI
I try to show people disease disease association by conducting a network analysis using OMOP_CDM v5.
What I need is the method in paper.
Does anyone have experience or the paper?

Basically, it would not be different from other network analysis.

To my knowledge, no one has developed network analysis package for OMOP-CDM.
So you need to pick the method for network analysis first, and then you need to develop the code or the package for the method by yourself.

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I found something similar one. It is ‘Network analysis of human disease using Korean nationwide claims data’. Is that okay with using the method in this paper? What do you think? I need your opinion.

I know the paper you mentioned, of course. Definitely, it would be great if you implement that method on OHDSI!

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Thank you for your advice
I would successfully study with OMOP data, and show you in this community!

I’m looking forward to it! :+1: