Discrepancy between representation of codes for UCUM in FHIR v OMOP

I’m seeing some differences between what I’m getting in FHIR messages from synthea v. codes in OMOP for UCUM vocabulary. Most of these seem to be around punctuation for lack of a better word (things like _, {, }, [, ], /,. etc.). Examples include (concept_id/FHIR/OMOP):
8876, mmHg, mm[Hg]
44777566, {score}, [score]
9117, mL/min/{1.73_m2}, mL/min/1.73.m2

These codes were specifically found in this resource:

I’m using this version of the OMOP vocabulary:
Unified Code for Units of Measure (Regenstrief Institute)
Version 1.8.2

Yeah, there are lots of those discrepancies. The problem is that the logic for the {} and [] is not always straightforward. {} essentially is non-unit context (e.g. cells), and [] is non-standard units. What do you do in the case of “score” for example? Is this just a generic unit (essentially “1”), or a real unit of something?

We should do a revision at some point. @mik?