The CDM wiki defines a Condition Era as a span of time when a person is assumed to have a given condition by combining individual condition occurrences.
Next to that I came across the Condition Group Era, which in the FeatureExtraction vignette is defined as: one covariate per condition era rolled up to groups in the condition_era table […].
What is meant with rolled up to groups and how does it differ from the normal Condition Era?
The logic of the Condition Group Era is defined here:, but basically it creates a concept ‘rollup’ using the CDM concept_ancestor (with additional rules around min_levels_of_separation) to create a parent-child relationship for SNOMED clinical findings. Once this hierarchy is established, the individual condition eras are ‘grouped’ together under the ancestor of the condition concept found int he condition_era table. For example, ‘Psoriasis’ maybe be a parent of the different sub-types of ‘psoriasis’ that are found in condition era, so a person with different diagnosis sub-types of Psoriasis will be counted only once in the ‘Psoriasis’ group, while without this grouping, this person would contribute a count to each psoriasis sub-type the person was diagnosed with.
How do you confirm that the descendants, in fact, were rolled up and grouped under the ancestor? My team and I desire this feature exactly. Instead of counting each descendant as a separate indicator variable, only assign a subject a 1 if they have any of the conditions. I have tried a few things (e.g. looking at the number of subjects with a non-zero covariate value with and without the ‘addDescendantsToInclude’ turned on and off).
I am not sure that this feature is working how you explained it. Please advise. Thank you.
You would have to just use the vocabulary attached to the CDM to understand what sub-concepts were involved in the rollup.
In Atlas, when a characterization is generated, the prevalence of the ‘features’ (which could be conditions, drugs, etc) are tabulated, but there’s also a function to ‘explore’ a concept to see the concept hierarchy.