Diagram copyright

Can I know who has the copyright of the following diagram illustrating how CDM works at distributed environment?

I wrote a perspective in a Korean Journal of Internal Medicine, and trying to use a modified diagram from the original one as follow:

The editor want to get the permission from the original author.

@rwpark There is a conscious effort on behalf of OHDSI contributors to provide their works under a permissive license (Apache for code, CC0 for documentation) so that these sort of materials can be used without restriction. In particular, TheBookOfOhdsi is released under the CC0 license, which makes it in the public domain in most jurisdictions. If this image is from the book, no additional permission is required. If it’s not in the book yet, someone will probably chime in with a contribution statement, since I’m pretty sure a diagram like this is meant to be in the book but just hasn’t made it yet. Anyway, it’d be great if you would be able to contribute your derivative work back under CC0, your diagram seems an improvement, at least aesthetically. We’re asking contributors to license their creative works under the CC0 so that we could advance the state of the art in medicine and health informatics technology. - Clark

Friends: the picture is an old OMOP artefact drawn by Patrick ages ago, and was already in the omop.org website, if I am not mistaken. @cce is right, and anything that is on ohdsi.org or omop.org is public domain and needs no permission whatsoever, unless otherwise explicitly stated.

Bottom line: OHDSI artifacts have no strings attached. But if they are the scientific achievements (clearly not in this case) it is just good collegial practice to give credit.

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