Developing a Clinical Database that follows OMOP conventions


I am developing and mainlining a database for clinical research.

Data will be collected in surveys during outpatient visits. This data has not been collected yet.

We want to follow the OMOP CDM.

Through reading the documentations and partaking in the EHDEN courses, the only was to use OMOP is to create a database first, then convert it to the OMOP CDM.

There doesn’t seem to be any information about creating a database that follows the OMOP CDM from the start. This would be useful to bypass the conversion (ETL) and prevent the loss of data.

How could this be done if possible?

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Book of ODHSI


If you have not created any database yet for the project - per Book of OHDSI and other resources (OMOP CDM setup scripts) build an OMOP CDM instance, then modify or create within your survey client to map data directly to the OMOP CDM.