Demographic Race number not 100%

Dear colleagues,

I’m currently running Demographics Race on Characterization on ATLAS. On Demographics Ethnicity, it’s clear on “Not hispanic or Latino” showed 100%. As for the race side, it’s only been discovered at 48.52%. I’m curious for either there’s some missing, or it’s derived from a certain cohort.

Thank you

Demographic Ethnicity

Demographic Race

Hi Yudha,

Ethnicity and Race are stored in different columns. The first thing that comes to mind is to make sure that both ethnicity_concept_id and race_concept_id are mapped to specific concept_ids, not mapped 0 in your database.
If you have a lot of race_concept_ids mapped to 0, you’re not going to get 100%.


Hi Chungsoo

I hope you’re doing well!

Thanks for the very quick reply.

Yes, as I’m not personally doing the mapping, I think I need to figure out first how the mapping process was done and check whether it was mapped to specific concept_ids or 0.

Again, thanks!