Demo OMOP installation

Hi everyone,
I’m working on a OMOP installation for demonstration purpose and I was wondering if there is some ready-to-load data around the community.

I’m aware of the ETL synthea repository but as far as I know it demands to generate the synthetic data with Synthea and then running the ETL scripts on that data to generate the CSV files that are then loaded in the CDM.

I came across the ETL CMS repository and I read about already processed data that is hosted on Unfortunately I can’t connect to the ftp server (maybe I need some special credentials?).

So my questions for the community are: am I missing something? Are there other ready-to-load data sources that I can use? I am guessing something wrong with the sources that I mentioned?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Eunomia is an R package that contains a sample data set deployed as a sqlite file. This is the most ‘ready-to-load’ example as you can load it into and R session and run any of the other tools against it for demonstrations. We’re working on expanding the number of sample data sets available, please let me know if you have any suggestions.