DEA/Drug Scheduling


Can anyone in this forum share techniques and/or vocabularies that you’ve
employed that can assist with

  • looking up the DEA Schedule (CSA), if any assigned, for a drug concept?
  • looking up drug concepts under a particular DEA schedule?


NDC codes have DEA schedules ( - one way to do this might be to find a crosswalk from whatever vocabularies you use for drugs to NDC codes, no?

Thank you, Evan. Your suggestion is straightforward; and I can traverse to non-standard NDC concepts and go from there.

Acknowledging that Evan’s suggested technique is right now actionable, I would still like to get the thoughts of the community on having NDC-vocabulary-specific concept class for DEASchedule. That is, DEA schedule as class in its own right within NDC vocab. Any comments on this? Having such modeling of the DEA schedule can readily serve use cases that require tossing out certain formulations of a drug from a study on addictive effects, as in cases when particular formulations are assigned a different schedule. Any thoughts against or for this? or an alternate recommendation?
Thank you.