DDL problem?

I’m trying to load vocabulary files and finding a discrepancy between Athena files and DDL. The Athena download file for drug_strength includes a column called DENOMINATOR_VALUE which is missing from the DDL and also on the wiki description of that table (http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=documentation:cdm:drug_strength).

 CREATE TABLE drug_strength (
  drug_concept_id       INTEGER   NOT NULL,
  ingredient_concept_id     INTEGER   NOT NULL,
  amount_value          NUMERIC   NULL,
  amount_unit_concept_id    INTEGER   NULL,
  numerator_value       NUMERIC   NULL,
  numerator_unit_concept_id   INTEGER   NULL,
  denominator_unit_concept_id INTEGER   NULL,
  valid_start_date        DATE    NOT NULL,
  valid_end_date        DATE    NOT NULL,
  invalid_reason        VARCHAR(1)  NULL


Yes. We made a small change to the model. DDLs are going to be fixed. Hang on a couple hours.

@Sigfried_Gold: there is an open pull requests on the CommonDataModel project in Github which addresses this issue if you want to take a look:


Thanks. Sorry I hadn’t noticed. I fixed it for myself locally, was just trying to be helpful.


No, no. This is good. Don’t hold back. This is a Open Source project, and we can only generate quality if everybody pitches in and pays attention. Keep reporting if you find booboos.