Date format in CONCEPT file download

I have downloaded a new set of files from athena. Contained in the CONCEPT file are start and end dates for each concept. The date format in the file is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mi:ss.ff. Regardless of where I view the files (in excel, notepad, etc) the date format is the as described above.
This is a different format to what is specified in both the database and the ctl files for loading into the database and has changed since I last loaded some vocabulary data. The previous format was YYYYMMDD which corresponds to the control files for loading the data

This is 2 sample records of the file I have just downloaded

35219540 Pedal cycle passenger injured in collision with fixed or stationary object in nontraffic accident, sequela Condition ICD10CM 7-char billing code V17.1xxS 2007-01-01 00:00:00.0 2010-12-31 00:00:00.0 D
44821181 Nonallopathic lesions, rib cage Condition ICD9CM 4-dig billing code 739.8 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 2099-12-31 00:00:00.0
This is similar data in the previous format…
35219540 Pedal cycle passenger injured in collision with fixed or stationary object in nontraffic accident, sequela Condition ICD10CM 7-char billing code V17.1xxS 20070101 20101231 D
35219541 Unspecified pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object in nontraffic accident, initial encounter Condition ICD10CM 7-char billing code V17.2xxA 20070101 20101231 D


Yeah, thanks for reporting.
we are working on this issue,
the data format suppose to be changed in the next vocabulary release
actually, you’re not alone who meets this problem:

thanks @Dymshyts for that and suggesting the workaround. As I am not on a unix platform I will load the data into a different target table using varchar for the date and format in the database when moving into the correct table.


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Feel free to download it from Athena

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