I am attempting to connect the DatabaseConnector package for R to an Amazon Redshift instance that contains data in CDM v5. I am currently trying to do this as part of running the CohortMethod package, but I’ve had the same problem with other OHDSI packages that use DatabaseConnector.
The error I receive is:
Connecting using Redshift driver
Error in .jcall(drv@jdrv, "Ljava/sql/Connection;", "connect", as.character(url)[1], :
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the hostname and
port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
The code (details obscured) I run to receive this error is:
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(
dbms = "redshift",
server = "aaaa.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com/bbbb",
user = "cccc",
password = "dddd"
However, I am able to connect using the same connection details with the RPostgreSQL library from CRAN:
This works. I have taken advantage of this fact to run other OHDSI packages such as StudyProtocols by re-writing functions such as extractAndWriteToFile to use RPostgreSQL, but I’d prefer a less hacky solution!
I’m going to do a similar test on my side using RedShift to see how it works in our environment. At first glance, I notice that your RedShift connection details does not contain a setting for the port number - you may want to add this and see if that helps. Also, in reviewing our RedShift connection information, we require SSL to connect which I’m assuming is also required on your connection? I think this too may be causing a problem.
I’ll circle back once I have an opportunity to test this out here.
So I was looking through the DatabaseConnector source code and the default port is “5432” for RedShift and not “5439” so I’d recommend you explicitly set this parameter in your connection parameters. Let me know if this gets you a bit further.
I need to look into using SSL settings as part of the connection as well.
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(
dbms = "redshift",
server = "aaaa.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com/bbbb",
port = "5439",
user = "cccc",
password = "dddd"
…but received the same error. I was wondering if the SSL connection could be made as per the following posts:
However, these approaches seem to require giving the dbname as a separate parameter, whereas DatabaseConnector::connect seems to require a combined server/dbname parameter, so it doesn’t accept adding sslmode=require on the end.
Your correct in that it does not work that way unfortunately. I’m making some amendments to the DatabaseConnector package to allow for specifying these extended connection properties. I’ll circle back when this is complete. Thanks!
The DatabaseConnector package has been updated on Github to allow for adding extra connection settings (like SSL) as part of the configuration. To show you how this might work, I’ve updated your example from above:
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(
dbms = “redshift”,
server = “aaaa.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com/bbbb”,
port = “5439”,
user = “cccc”,
password = “dddd”, extraSettings = "ssl=true&sslfactory=com.amazon.redshift.ssl.NonValidatingFactory"
These “extraSetttings” will be included in the underlying JDBC connection and allow for whatever connection settings are required. In the example above, I included an additional parameter for the “sslfactory” that was required when using RedShift here and thought you may also need that setting as well.
This looks like a network connection error (e.g a firewall issue). Just to be clear: is this from exactly the same machine where you can successfully connect using RPostgreSQL?
Can you verify the port that your using to connect? As a test, I changed my port configuration from the default (5439) to 5438 and received the same error you did. The only other thought I have is that another process is blocking on port 5439 which is causing the connection error. I’d make sure you’ve properly closed and disposed of all connections using RPostgreSQL (or any other apps that may be connected on this port).
That is the correct port, but I can see now this is not a problem with DatabaseConnector, because manually composing the connection string and running RJDBC::dbConnect results in the same error. I’ll keep investigating. Thanks for your help and the extraSettings update.