Data Quality writeJsonResultsToTable Issues

I just ran through the Data Quality R instructions for the first time in a while. I ran into a few oddities:


  • Fails to instruct user to define a value for “outputFile” before executing “DataQualityDashboard::executeDqChecks”, resulting in a failure at the end of the first run of the tool and a need to re-run the entire process.


  • Changes / recreates the existing dqdashboard_results with fewer columns that the Insert SQL needs
  • “Error” and “Concept_id” columns are missing when the table is recreated, leading to failure to load the JSON result to the table.

Anyone know any workarounds for these?


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Hi there! Thanks for sharing these findings.

For the first - great catch. outputFile is optional, and since we don’t set that variable anywhere in the setup script, this line should be removed. I filed a GitHub issue for this and will get this fixed up in our next release.

For the second - could you please share the version of DQD you’re running as well as the error message that’s being output? The results table DDL SQL files in the current version do not seem to be missing these columns so more info would be helpful for debugging your issue :slight_smile:

@katy-sadowski The DQD version is 2.0.0.

I’m running the process again today.