Data Quality-Handling Missing Birthdate Components in plausibleAfterBirth Check

Hi everyone,

I am using Data Quality Dashboard R package for one CDM data. to assess one of our CDM datasets.

After running the script, I encountered the following error related to the 'plausibleAfterBirth' check: ‘Error:net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: Can’t parse ‘00101’ as date with format ‘YYYYMMDD’’

I think the issue is our data only have information in YEAR_OF_BIRTH but MONTH_OF_BIRTH, DAY_OF_BIRTH and BIRTH_DATETIME are null.

Would it be possible to modify the code associated with the 'plausibleAfterBirth' check to handle this case?


Hi there,

Could you please file your bug report in GitHub here? GitHub · Where software is built

In the issue, please include the full rendered SQL query that threw this error.

Thanks so much.