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Data Quality Dashboard run - Error in .make_numeric_version

When trying to launch the dashboard with DataQualityDashboard::viewDqDashboard(jsonFilePath), I’m getting the following error:

Error in .make_numeric_version(x, strict, .standard_regexps()$valid_numeric_version) :
invalid non-character version specification ‘x’ (type: double)

Any suggestions for how to find the root cause?

I’ve run into the same error (or very similar) with an old version of DatabaseConnector when using duckdb. Back then, updating DatabaseConnector was enough as the hug had been fixed in a newer version. Might be worth a shot.

Had a quick look, and I’m almost certain the issue is here (I’m on the phone so can’t really try to reproduce): https://github.com/OHDSI/DataQualityDashboard/blob/98c825a9449a5d15413669a7e931f98b1e1c51c9/R/view.R#L49. Maybe it had the same bug that DatabaseConnector had.

What happens if you run utils::packageVersion(‘shiny’)?

Thanks Ben for the suggestion of the DatabaseConnector. When I tried to update some of the packages, I saw some erorrs that I believe are due to access controls with my ‘standard’ account. I launched with Admin permissions, re-downloaded the required packages, and re-ran – and it worked.

I’ll try to experiment a little more with broken version to isolate the issue, but I’m not hopeful. My R skills are not something that I advertise on my CV…

This was indeed a bug in older versions of DQD but was fixed in the version we released last week :slight_smile:

(This was the fix, a dependency had a breaking change: https://github.com/OHDSI/DataQualityDashboard/pull/547/files#diff-d01dbc4cce6a847d101ce48e580754f42c7a5bad466f7fbdcc9a2a226a512cc1)

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