createTable1 using plpData

I’m trying to get descriptive analysis of cohorts created for my Patient Level Prediction study.
Seems like createTable1 is operating with covariteData class only, but I used getPlpData, not getDbCovatiateData
Is there any hint how to create Table1 - like object using plpData instead of covariateData ?

I see that right now this is not possible, because PatientLevelPrediction only preserves the covariates and covariateRef objects, but not the analysisRef object. The latter is needed by FeatureExtraction to know which features are binary.

@Rijnbeek, @jennareps: Could you make sure PLP also keeps the analysisRef object that is part of the covariateData?

For example like this code in CohortMethod.

So the only possible way now is to run getDbCovatiateData apart.
Thank you for quick response @schuemie )