Is it possible to create/add a custom source - like a glossary - for USAGI ?
This custom vocabulary would contain pre-selected concepts of some standard vocabularies.
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Is it possible to create/add a custom source - like a glossary - for USAGI ?
This custom vocabulary would contain pre-selected concepts of some standard vocabularies.
Why not? You can either limit the target concepts using the USAGI filters or even pre-adjust the input vocabulary tables in any way.
hmm… @vioannid , not sure I understand to what end you actually want to do that? To limit it to certain possible target concepts? And if so - why is what Alexander suggests not enough: applying the USAGI filters on level of vocabulary and concept domain / class?
I’ll give this a try - pre-adjust the input vocabulary tables.
thank you @Alexdavv
Hi @mik ,
The context is the following: We have a team which has already mapped many terms to concepts from different vocabularies (SNOMED, LOINC, etc) and we would like to give priority to these already mapped terms. However, we don’t want to exclude these and other vocabularies in USAGI ‘search’ for terms not already mapped. Therefore I thought of including the already mapped terms as a custom vocabulary source. Not sure if I’m clear.
But maybe there’s another way to achieve this ?
Hi @vioannid. There is indeed another way. When importing a source code list, you can add a semi-colon separated list of concept ids that Usagi will prioritise. This is the ‘Auto concept ID column’ in the import window.
However, this might be impractical if the number of concepts to restrict to is too large as you have to provide all concept ids for every source code.
Hi @MaximMoinat , thank you for providing an alternative. Just to be sure: do you mean that for every term in the list, I add an extra column containing all our prioritised concept_id (ca 1800) separated by a semi-colon ?
One extra column, with in every cell the prioritised concept ids. Usagi will then choose the best matching concept from that list when importing. Important: make sure the ‘Filter by user selected concepts’ is checked in the import window.