CPT4 codes in DRUG Domain (rather than PROCEDURE domain)

We have claim sourced records containing CPT4 code 90396 Varicella-Zoster IG IM that we were going to load into the PROCEDURE_OCCURANCE table in OMOP V5. However, this CPT4 code is associated with the DRUG domain, which to me implies the record should be loaded into the DRUG_EXPOSURE table in OMOP v5. Can you provide any guidance on this? Is it ok to load records into the PROCEDURE OCCURANCE table with Concepts associated with domains other than PROCEDURE?


All procedure drugs are domain_id=‘Drug’. Which means, you write the record into the DRUG_EXPOSURE table, even though the information comes from CPT4. Don’t write them into the PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE table. I know it’s a little unusual for folks who have worked with CPT4 (and HCPCS) and naturally consider these procedures. However, many of these “procedures” really are not procedures. They represent reimbursement claims for drugs (like in this case), devices, services, and even conditions. In the OMOP system, these concepts have to go where they truly belong, to make it possible for analysts or automated tools to find them.